Installing a Rebuilt Derailleur

After you rebuild your derailleur, or after you receive a rebuilt one from Madrone, it is important to make sure you reinstall and adjust it properly, or you wont get the most performance out of your rebuilt derailleur.

  1. Make sure your derailleur hangar is aligned, even if you have a new derailleur hangar. Use a good derailleur hangar alignment tool. The best one we know if is made by Abbey Tools. 
  2. Install the derailleur. Remember to use threadlocker on this thread and all threads on the derailleur.
  3. Follow the SRAM setup procedure:
    1. Pair the derailleur with your shifter.
    2. Set both limit screws.
    3. Set the B screw adjustment using a SRAM gauge. This is an important step.
    4. Use the micro adjust feature on your AXS app to fine tune the shifting.

There are a numerous guides covering the steps above. Here are a couple options: